I don' believe it but it has taken me over a year to get started after the initial start last September 2007 after following my daughter in laws blogs. She is a great photogragher and I love to see what photos she has taken. then in April this year her parents Dot and Terry were out from Canada and we enjoyed a great time with them at the Whitsundays on an amazing Sailing ship called Pacific Sunrise (fully catered). I would totally recommend it to anyone travelling to the Whitsundays. http://www.whitsundaycoralcruises.com/ We have been sailing there a few times before but I'd have to say having it all catered is the way to go. The staff were amazing, the food sensational, and being a small sailing ship made it very intimate and friendly.
Dot shared her sister Judy's blog (My Front Porch) http://www.judys-front-porch.blogspot.com/which really got me hooked I have been following it ever since and so many others and sometimes you can sit for hours just pouring over what everyone else is up to on the other side of the world and so you get hooked. I guess the time factor has been one of the reasons for my hesitation because I know I will find it hard to do what I should be doing and choose to check into the blog world and lose myself but so what it is time well spent... as you are encouraged and lifted up in your spirit of womanhood from women with so much talent and love to share.. and Godly inspiration... so I have begun my journey to share my world, and realise that there is a much bigger world then my small space. I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Dot and Terry at the beautiful Whitsunday's It is famous for sailing as there are many islands and safe havens. You can go out to the great Barrier Reef and there are some wonderful snorkelling areas to see tropical fish.. and one of the most famous beaches in the world known for its white sand called Whitehaven Beach where many people get dropped off by seaplane to picnic or get married. 

Well let me just jump in...and be the first to comment on your blog. Welcome to bloggyland...you are in for so much fun! I look forward to visiting you here in the future...and learning so much more about your life 'down by the sea'!
As you know, Dot has family spread far and wide and I'm the one from Texas - referred to your blog from Judy's front porch. I don't know how often I'll visit you in cyberspace but I will be there and I look forward to seeing and hearing more about your life!
Welcome to the world of blogging.
Yes, it takes time, but you can decide those factors for yourself.
Australia has always been on my list, but to add the cruise, sounds more tempting.
Enjoy your new journey.
Welcome to the "Blogosphere" Yours is lovely - very professional looking for a first timer! Yes, blogging takes time - after all, our day to day responsiblilies do have a habit of getting in the way of of these fun things we enjoy. I look forward to reading about your life - our son and DIL were out your way a year ago and enjoyed a visit with my cousin who lives on Magnetic Is. off the NE coast of Australia. It's been 35 years since we visited your country. It's definately time to go again!
Hi Sharon! So you finally did it! I'm sure it can take a lot of time to blog- but you're an early riser anyhow! Your blog looks great and I will definitely be visiting it frequently. It will keep me updated on what's happening in your part of the world. (Kath doesn't post to her blog that often!)
All the best, Sharon!
Sharon, I come by way of Judy. She is a wonderful blogging friend and I am happy for you starting your blog. I started in May and have loved it so much. I have met so many neat people through my blog. You have a great looking blog. What amazing pictures! Drop by and see me sometime. May God bless you!
Welcome! I'm the one from France, mentioned in Judy's blog.
I have a son who lives in Australia so we have been out twice to Sydney, and loved it. What a country!
Thanks everyone for your encouragement. Sweet dreams or for you its probably time to get to work!! I keep forgetting what the time difference is....
10PM here now
Hello! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. You have a lovely blog here. Australia is certainly on my list of places I'd love to visit. I look forward to hearing more about your life there.
Oh--and thanks for that reminder about how close Christmas is!!:) Yikes! I've got to get busy, too!
oh another blog from down under. that is one place my heart has always had a yearning to see.
welcome to blogland...i hope that you find as many wonderful friends as i have. judy is a special one and hope you visit us as well. take care...looking forward to more posts.
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