This is the Dinner Set that I found at Bloomhills second hand shop. It is a setting for 6, with Two oval platters. It has soup and dessert bowls but no bread and butter plates?. Someone told me it must be very old because a long time ago they didn't make bread and butter plates? It just has made in Japan on th bottom. I love the pink an the delicate design.
I also love my Kitchen dresser. It was in a gift store as part of the store with items on it for sale and I asked the store owner if she would sell it to me... I do love it so these two things are some of my favourite things.
I need some tuition on how to down load my photos and more importantly placement and I seem to have trouble being able to put my text where I would like to etc I will have to speak with my daughter in law because it frustrates me. Also if someone could tell me how you put text on your photos like Sarah from a Beach Cottage?
g'day sharon
lordy it is wonderful, I love what you have done, did you paint the dresser? sorry I can't remember if you told me that...
love the dinner service, you know what I never see a whole service at least not at a low price
happy blogging
Yeah Hi Sarah Yes it was a great find, as you said I have never seen a full set in a second hand shop either so when I saw it I just had to have it. It wan't cheap as second hand cheap but still I thought it was a bargain for what it was..
the dresser was painted when I bought it but it is a little rough around the edges and only has under coat in places so I need to paint it but its not a priority..
What a great find! Your dresser is beautiful and so are the dishes. I love dishes!!
This is juuuuuuuuuust awesome!!
M ^..^
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